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The mythical Gods II

The authors argue that Attis, the Phyrigia, born of the virgin Nana on December 25. Was crucified, placed in a tomb, resurrected three days later.

However, Attis was not a man, she was a woman and there are no records of her mother to be virgin. Fertilization took place after the “god” Agdistis, who borned with the 2 sex organs, have cut the male organ and threw it to the ground, where an almond tree grew. Nana, daughter of the river god Sangarius took an almond and laid it in her bosom, becoming pregnant of Attis.

Krishna of India, born of the virgin Devaki and had a star to mark his coming. He performed miracles with his disciples, and after his death he resurrected.

Once again, the authors forgot that Krishna’s mother was not a virgin. He was from the royal family of Mathura and the eighth son of Princess Devaki and her husband Vasudeva, a court noble. Hinduism teaches that Krishna was killed by an arrow shot by mistake by a hunter. After his death, he ascended to heaven to join Brahman.

Zeitgeist also states that Dionysus, the Greek god of wine, or Bacchus for the Romans, was born of a virgin on December 25. Was a pilgrim who performed miracles such as turning water into wine, and is referred to as ‘King of Kings’, ‘Prodigal Son of God’, ‘Alpha and Omega’, among many other things. Resurrected three days after his death and ascended into heaven.

According to the most common tradition, Dionysus was in fact the son of Zeus and the mortal Semele. In the Cretan version of the same story, Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Persephone, daughter of Demeter also called Kore, which means a “virgin goddess”. Semele got pregnant by a lightning bolt of Zeus. The miracles of Dionysus are legendary, like a party in his temple where he made squirt wine instead of water.

The mythical Gods - Zeus


The death of Dionysus and his resurrection or rebirth, were famous in antiquity. Having been torn to pieces or dead, Zeus took his heart and dissolved in a drink that gave to Semele to drink, making Dionysus to born again, thus giving him the epithet of the “twice-born“.

The authors of zeitgeist claim that Mithra of Persia was born of a virgin mother on December 25, he had 12 disciples, performed miracles and upon his death was buried and resurrected three days later. He was also referred as the truth and the light.

However, the defenders of this theory are making a huge mistake because Mithra was born from the crossing of the male god Ahura Mazda with a rock and not a virgin, as they insinuated. After his birth, he used to carry a knife and a torch and wearing a hat. He never resurrected on the third day, fought the sun and sacrificed a kind of “sacred bull” inside a cave where the basis of life of the human race has begun. He was never called a master and never had 12 disciples. The followers of Mithra have left no texts, only images, but the cult has acquired great importance in the Roman world. Thus, the empire promoted on December 25, great festivals and games in honour of the “Dies Natalis” (birth day) of that god.

The mythical Gods - Investiture of Sassanid emperor Ardashir I or II

Investiture of Sassanid emperor Ardashir I or II (3rd century CE bas-relief at Taq-e Bostan, Iran. On the left stands the yazata Mithra with raised barsom, sanctifying the investiture..
Author: Philippe Chavin

The defenders of the mythical gods theory, argue that this god was born of a virgin, forgave sins, was crucified and rose again three days later. However, such evidence is only found with dates after 300 AD, which means, the illustrations were made at least 300 years after the death of Jesus. The details are so similar that they can evidence that this pagan cult adopted some preaches from Christianity and not otherwise. That would be very common in the case of a polytheistic religion, where gods are associated with others and vice versa. Who can confidently and rigorously assert in which cults is a derivation of the other?

Christianity asserts the physical death and bodily resurrection of Christ, but Mithraism doesn’t have the concept of death and resurrection of their god. The idea of rebirth would have been foreign to its basic vision. Moreover, Mithraism was basically a military cult, so one must be sceptical about the suggestions that it has attracted civilians such as early Christians.

The basic difference between Christianity and the mythical religions is the historical basis of one and the mythological character of the others. The divinities of mythic religions were figures of a misty past often unrealistic, while Christ, despite numerous contradictions, is a well documented figure in the Gospels, even though these writings have been written several years after his death. Christianity has its foundations in Judaism and that’s where we have to look for answers and not on the pagan astrology. The number 12 refers to the biblical 12 tribes of Israel and not a representation of the 12 houses of the zodiac. The Lamb of God is an analogy to the sacrificed lamb in a Jewish ritual, while in paganism there was no such ritual in allusion to the gods. The term “sin” has its origin with the Jewish people and the being Jesus a Jewish, the concept was applied to Christianity. Perhaps there was a different form of “sin” known by other people, but the term itself was known only by the Jews.

About alpha and omega, terms used by John regarding Jesus, may have an origin in Dionysius, since John was captive in Greece. However, there is no document support evidencing that these names were called to Dionysus.

An extremely controversial point in these theories lies in the alleged analogy between the act of the crucifixion and the phenomenon of the Southern Cross in the constellation Crux. Reportedly, when the Sun completes the solstice and this period is for three days (buried) and rises (raises) the 3rd day (day 25). Proponents of the theory of the mythical gods, suggest that these mythologies were based on solar phenomena and declare that the crucifixion of Jesus is based on a mythology and symbolizes the death of the sun aligned with the Southern Cross.

The mythical Gods - Constellation of Crux

Constellation of Crux. Author: Till Credner

This statement seems rather bold. Death by crucifixion was a punishment widely used by the Romans. In this act, the purpose is to combine the elements of shame and torture. The crucifixion began with flagellation, after the offender has been stripped of his garments. The torture could be so brutal that sometimes the flagellated ended up by dying as a result of the scourging. Although not having been convicted by a Roman tribunal, Jesus was subject to its laws, so it seems legitimate to think that the punishment for the crimes he was accused of, was based on Roman law and custom.

A highly controversial and widely discussed issue is the date of birth of Jesus and the other mythical gods. The authors argue that the date chosen for the birth of Jesus was based on the same date of birth of the mythical gods. The thesis argues that first of all, the birth sequence is completely astrological. From the summer solstice to the winter solstice, the days become shorter and colder. The brightest star in the sky is Sirius, which on December 25 aligns with the constellation of the 3 kings. This alignment points directly to the Sun. When the Sun exits the solstice it “reborns”, moves 1 degree north after three days (22-25) and when it “reborns”, is signaled by the star Sirius, followed by the constellation of Three Kings thus forming an alignment between the three.

By studying religion and mythology, it is wise to keep in mind that in the ancient world, intentionally or not, many gods confused. The December 25 is a traditional date that simply represents the final period of the winter solstice. The date of birth of Jesus is a commemorative day, which was officiated nearly 400 years after his birth. Not even the Bible give us an exact information about the date of birth. Just by speculation, we can estimate about the time Jesus was born. We believe that this is a consensus even among the most fervent Christians.

Another particularly interesting and little discussed fact is that at the time when Jesus lived there was not a system of a fixed calendar for the different folks. Each had their own calendar and they were confusing and very different from each other. The calendar that we follow today is a new form of measuring time. It was Pope Gregory XIII who decreed its use through the Papal Bull “Inter Gravissimus” signed on February 24, 1582. The proposal was formulated by Aloysius Lilius, a Neapolitan physical, and approved at the Council of Trent (1545/1563). At this time, an error was corrected in time count, disappearing 11 days of the calendar. This decision caused October 4 to be immediately succeeded by October 15, in 1582.

The mythical Gods - Inscription on the grave of Gregory XIII, St. Peter's Basilica

Inscription on the grave of Gregory XIII, St. Peter’s Basilica, gregorian calendar. Author.

The argument that Jesus or the mythical gods were born on December 25 collapses and has no foundation. After all, how could be possible to rigorously establish dates like December 25 to set the births of the various presented characters? Most of these people never had even a calendar, guiding themselfs with measurements based on the seasons and the phases of the moon. Today, we know that the moon phases do not follow a correct chronology, causing that error to be corrected every four years, as 6 hours are left over each year. The Jewish calendar is composed of 353, 354 or 383 days, with solar years and lunar months.

I am also confused. It amazes me so many certainties reported in the documentary.

After analysing the situation, we can conclude something very simple and basic. The 25th of December was indeed decreed by the Romans and thus not the fact it was the birth date of Jesus, and the day of birth of the gods was also not on the 25th of December. At most, they would have been born at the winter solstice and not on the 25th. Thus, the associations given by the authors of the documentary are unfounded, although we admit some parallelism with the phenomenon of the winter solstice.

As for the argument about the star Sirius, in my opinion is so senseless that makes it completely devoid of credit, as I will demonstrate later in the post about the star of Bethlehem.

Continue reading on The mythical Gods III

About João Fernandes

Graduated in International Relations; Business Manager at Webmind; Blogger and multiple interests in the areas of science, technology, history and politics. Works as a Freelance on websites and advertising.

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