We would like to welcome all who visit us. Out4mind is an initiative of a group of friends that due to their curiosity, willingness to knowledge and researches, found that many of the common beliefs does not correspond to what can be known, thus making an independent observation of the facts. We belong to a growing community of people interested in getting information that most of the times is excessively dispersed and compromised.
Given the lack of existing information, and even misinformation, and seeking to unite all branches of knowledge, the creators of this project decided to provide an attempt to bring to the knowledge of the reader, the information that lies behind the curtain that covers the common information.
So we believe that is necessary that a reasonable information reaches the reader, seeking to not fall in the temptation to incur in certain exaggerations during the process, such as some conspiracy theorists, whose theories, in most of cases, are devoided of factual evidence, historical or scientific support and even often the simple logic.
We will then try to toss apart the informations, passions, hoaxes and histories that, for how much attractive they can be, they do not correspond to the truth, despite giving the benefit of the doubt to some theories.
We will try to keep out4mind updated, despite of our limitations. For that reason, we are receptive to gladly accept the collaboration and participation of people who want to help to develop this project in an active or passive way.
We wish all who visit us, a good journey and enjoy.