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Game of Thrones – Curiosities of Season 1

Game of Thrones (Season 1)

Without any doubt, Game of Thrones has conquered me! To me, it is one of the best TV series I ever seen till today!

Fantastic scenarios, wonderful landscapes, brutal effects, a genial production with a fabulous cast and an addictive story that can hold us from the first to the last episode. Even in a medieval era, the characters reflect much of the human spirit which even today seems to prevail.. Intrigue, games of power, betrayal, …

However, even being a super production, there are some curiosities that left me scratching my head.

Let’s start with the first season:


game of thrones

We all know what consanguinity issues can lead to. And between brothers, the risk is brutal and the possibility of any child, born by such relationship, to have serious health problems is huge. It is curious to notice that, apparently, any of the three children, from this couple of brothers, Cersei Lannister and Jaime Lannister, suffer from any health problem.

Well, all of them… maybe not, since without doubts, our “friend” Joffrey Baratheon (I mean, Joffrey Lannister) seems to suffer from “some kind of insanity”!

It is also interesting to watch how the king, Robert Baratheon, can be such an asshole to the point that he can’t see that the children are not of his own. He can have a lot of bastard suns without having a notion of what he’s doing with his wife, Cersei Lannister. Maybe because he is always drunk, he never has realized how cuckold he is.


Ah! The Wine! The delicious nectar from the gods…

But it is curious to see so many wine in such outlying places where we can see no vineyards around. Whence comes so much wine?

game of thrones

Ok, surely for cities and fortresses, they receive some supplies of wine. But even in the Walls of Castle Black, where it’s so rare to see people entering in such a fortified place, they seem to have so many wine that I start to believe that they have a fountain of wine, instead of water, somewhere in their dungeons!

And what about the war camps? Whence comes so much wine too?

Both in the war camp of the Stark (with the new elected King of the North) as in the war camp of the Lannister, there is always a lot of wine! Fantastic! In the end, it seems they carry more wine casks than war arsenal.

game of thrones

Not to mention so much food!

Whence comes so many fruit when we can only see bleak and icy fields or immense forests? As for the meat, okay… But it seems they spend more time hunting than struggling to feed so many people.


Yes… There are always wounded people when you are in combat. Guys that lose their fingers or with pierced knees and so, but there is always some cure so their wounds do not became infected.

game of thrones
Well… I mean… It seems that does not happen to everyone, much less to the unfortunate Khal Drogo! Does his people are so retarded that no one can heal his wound? Not even the witch? Ok, I think to myself that the bitch had a secret agreement with the Lannisters. It can only be! Traitress!

Leaving this poor guy to die with a wound on his chest, while many others survived with their fingers cut off. There is no right! What an injustice!

And so we stay with these little curiosities for the first season. Let’s wait and see what more curiosities the next seasons will bring.

Meanwhile, let’s stay with an open discussion regarding this first season. Comment and share here any more curiosities you may find!

See season 2…

A video version of this post is also available on YouTube.

About Carlos Santos

Frequency of master studies in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Freelancer developer (also works remotely): Websites, Web Applications (JAVA and PHP), J2SE/J2EE, C/C++ and Android. Private instructor and professional trainer in computer science and electrical engineering. Teaches in classrooms and remotely using Skype and Team Viewer. Interests: Music, audio, video, science, astronomy and mythology.

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